Why There Is No Need To Be Afraid Of Offshore Outsourcing

Why There Is No Need To Be Afraid Of Offshore Outsourcing

Anyone who has ever dealt with organizing the creation of a product or the introduction of a project understands how difficult, expensive and not always justified it is to have your own staff for non-core functions of your business. In such cases, companies resort to outsourcing services. Modern realities make it possible not only to relocate non-core functions to third-party organizations but also to do it internationally.

Offshore outsourcing is becoming a popular business direction. However, there is a constant debate around this concept: how safe it is to delegate functions and whether it is worth expecting a quality result. If you are faced with the need to use outsourcing services, and you think that it is something very unreliable, then we will tell you why you shouldn’t be afraid of offshore outsourcing, what it is, list the pros and cons of IT outsourcing, how to find a reliable partner and make cooperation successful.

What Is Offshore Outsourcing 

To understand all the features of this type of outsourcing, let’s formulate what this term means and what functions and processes it implies. Offshore outsourcing is the transfer of non-core functions of the company to third parties regardless of geographic location. This term comes from “outer source using”. Outsourcing extends to a wide variety of business processes and functions, and here are some of them:

– accounting

– marketing;

– logistics;

– PR;

– security organization;

– cleaning;

– HR;

– IT.

Globally, offshore outsourcing has great prospects. It is predicted that the demand for outsourcing will only grow, but the search for staff will decrease. In addition, outsourcing is associated with remote work, so many companies are looking to invest in digital transformation and attract remote workers.

Offshore IT outsourcing has gained global distribution due to the specifics of the work. Of course, it is impossible to outsource the entire IT system, but such processes as a service desk, design and development of architecture, and app management can be delegated to an outsourcing company.

Pros And Cons Of Offshore IT Outsourcing

Why There Is No Need To Be Afraid Of Offshore Outsourcing

Before using offshore IT outsourcing services, you need to understand whether it is suitable for your business.

The main reason why many companies resort to offshore outsourcing services is cost savings. On average, companies manage to save up to 15%. The opportunity to use international expertise in product development can improve product quality. The use of offshore experience is a claim for success.

High-quality offshore outsourcing services allow businesses to focus on core areas of activity and increase income. However, the redirection of processes must be carried out correctly to simplify and not complicate the functioning of the business.

However, with an illiterate approach, offshore IT outsourcing can negatively affect your business. One of the main fears is the loss of control over the company’s operations. You cannot run the implementation of deadlines and fix backlogs. To avoid this, you should seriously approach the choice of an outsourcing partner.

An important point that affects the quality and effectiveness of offshore outsourcing is the cultural differences between team members. It would be fair to say that people with different mentalities have different approaches to solving a problem. Therefore, at the stage of acquaintance, it is necessary to define and explain a common style of communication, formats of setting goals and ways of solving issues.

By the way, representatives of different countries also have different quality standards, and this issue needs to be considered at the stage of selecting potential employees as well.

Offshore IT Outsourcing Cooperation

Choosing an IT outsourcing partner is not an easy task in the face of ever-increasing competition. There are many who want to present their services, but it is quite difficult to find professionals in their field. If you are guided by simple rules, you can, although not easily, find a reliable partner.

First of all, any business thinks about security. Therefore, the first aspect when choosing a partner is decency. You need to understand that an outsourcing partner is not a full-time employee of your business, so confidence in the security of your data is an essential point.

It is worth paying attention to the qualifications and experience of potential employees. No matter how much you want to save money, you’d rather remember that you will have to pay twice for dumping services. If you know how you want to see your product, then at the interview stage, you should ask questions that interest you. It’s also worth asking for a portfolio and looking at customer reviews. If the team already had a similar experience, this is already an advantage for your project.

An experienced partner always conducts preliminary market research, competitive analysis, and analysis of consumer types and creates wireframes in order to perfect the design and functionality of an app or site in the future.

To get success in developing and launching your project, an IT outsourcing partner should see your project through your eyes and understand how you want it to be. When the team fully captures the purpose and objectives of your project, then the result will not disappoint you.

Why There Is No Need To Be Afraid Of Offshore Outsourcing


Over the past three years, offshore outsourcing has been gaining momentum. The impetus was given by the pandemic and globalization. It would seem that the first is aimed at closing physical boundaries, and the second is aimed at erasing cultural barriers, but the effect is as follows: employees can be located anywhere in the world and show great results.

Offshore outsourcing has shown itself in the IT sector. The ability to relocate some non-core tasks to an outsourcing partner allows you to focus on more important product development duties. However, business delegating must be properly organized in order to get the result that you expect. It is worth taking seriously the choice of an outsourcing partner and remembering that offshore is about cultural differences.

You need to be able to competently build a workflow in order to avoid cultural misunderstandings that may affect the result. There is no point in being afraid of offshore outsourcing, but you need to be smart about it.

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