Getting the most out of your peer-to-peer network

Getting the most out of your peer-to-peer network

With a certain event not far away, we delve into the world of peer-to-peer networking, offering valuable insights and tips to help you navigate networking with confidence and make the most out of every opportunity it presents

You might have caught wind of the buzz…there’s something just around the corner that we’re pretty excited about here at Education Executive…that’s right, after months of planning and preparation, our EdExec Live events are nearly here. Naturally, we can’t wait to welcome you all for a great day of networking, learning and SBL community spirit.

But as much as we’re sure you’re excited too, we appreciate that some of you might be feeling a little nervous about attending a big event. Maybe you’re new to the world of SBLs and not sure where you fit in. Perhaps you’ve never attended an industry event before and don’t know what to expect. Relax, we’ve got you covered.

Participating in live events offers an excellent opportunity to expand your peer-to-peer network, but there’s no need to feel pressured to be the center of attention. In fact, there are plenty of simple steps you can take to build yourself a network before you even arrive – meaning you can spend your time at industry events like ours, enjoying yourself and making the most of the opportunities the day can bring!

When embarking on building your peer-to-peer network, the initial step is to contemplate your objectives and motivations. Afterall, networking is about more than just being in the same room or place as people doing the same job. According to the London Business School, there are three types of networking.

  • Operational: Who can help you understand your own job better?
  • Personal: What are the key things you want to be known for?
  • Strategic: To keep an eye on future trends; what don’t you know?

Once you’ve determined the type of networking that aligns with your goals, it becomes simpler to engage in a manner that adds value to you. For instance, are you seeking to broaden your network to gather diverse perspectives and solutions to a common challenge? Or perhaps you have a project idea but are unsure how to kick-start it? A strategic approach involves considering the what, who, and where…


Are you aiming for career advancement or seeking support? Are you inclined towards joining a smaller, more intimate group, or do you prefer a larger, more diverse network to gather insights from? Try to establish what you want your network to look like.


Who is best placed to help you reach your goals? Are you looking for a mentor or are you looking to provide mentorship to others? Rather than taking a scatter gun approach to making connections quickly, be selective and focus on those you think might make a difference to your career or school.


Industry events, online forums, LinkedIn groups – the choices are endless. But knowing where to go to find the sort of networking you want can be difficult. This is where finding out more about your hosts is a great indicator of whether you’re in the right place. Asking questions or seeking advice on a social media platform is another great way of finding out more. Research your platforms to work out what suits you – not everyone gets along with TikTok – you need to use the system that works for you!

One of the greatest strengths of the SBL community lies in our shared experiences and challenges. By expanding your peer-to-peer network, you not only enrich your own journey but also contribute to the collective wisdom of the community. Sharing knowledge, experiences, and stories not only benefits individuals but also enhances the entire education landscape. Together, we can find innovative solutions that address common issues, ultimately making a significant and positive impact on education.

The best thing about EdExec Live is that it isn’t like other events – you’re not bound to a schedule with a limited number of activities on offer – in fact, you can curate your day to be exactly what you want it to be. Find the talks and topics that matter to you and create your own timetable that gives you the most out of the event. And you’ll probably find, that without even trying, you find yourself surrounded by people who want to connect with you.


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